About Biopsy

Biopsy means the extraction of tumour tissue for diagnosis by histopathology and further studies like IHC i.e. Immunohistochemistry or FISH i.e. Fluroscence In Situ hybridization or molecular or genetic studies. There are various types of biopsies.

The easiest is called as FNAC ie fine needle aspiration cytology. In this, the needle is inserted in tumour bearing area and some cells are aspirated. it is then utilized for making smear.The smears are then examined by pathologist for cytology report.

A similar technique with bigger needle is called as core biopsy or tru cut biopsy. of course the tissue yield is more with this and so the more studies like IHC or FISH etc can be done on it.

Another way or biopsy method is by punch method with sophisticated punch biopsy forceps or traditional knife biopsy.

Some tumours are deeply situated so they need specific scopes like nasal endoscopy or colonoscopy or hysteroscopy and then the tumour is sampled.

Intra abdominal tumours can be staged and biopsied at times by minimally invasive surgery like laparoscopy.

There are biopsies of deeper tissues by intervention radiology or guided methods like ultrasound or Ct scan guided biopsies as well.

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